Paul W. Turke MD, PhD | Pediatrics & Anthropology

Pediatrics & Anthropology

Dr. Turke’s Publications

Turke, P.W. 2023. Coevolution of Hominin Social Abilities and Infant Vision have Raised the Specter of Autism and Prevented Delay of Presbyopia. Journal of Evolutionary medicine, Vol 11 (August). doi 10.4303/jem/107805

Turke, P.W. 2021. Five reasons COVID-19 is less severe in younger age-groups
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 113–117,

Turke, P.W. 2021. Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods, Review of Survival of the Friendliest  Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 68–69,

P. Turke (2017), Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health. Childhood Food Allergies: An Evolutionary Mismatch Hypothesis.

Turke, P. (2016), “Evolutionary Pediatrics,” in The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London

Turke PW. 2008. Williams’ theory of the evolution of senescence: Still useful at 50. Quarterly Review of Biology (pdf file)

Turke PW. 1997. An hypothesis: Did menopause evolve to discourage infanticide and encourage continued investment by agnates? Ethology and Sociobiology 18:1-23

Turke PW. 1997. Thymic involution. Immunology Today 18:407

Chrisp CE, Turke P, Luciano A et al. 1996. Lifespan and lesions in genetically heterogeneous (four-way cross) mice: A new model for aging research. Veterinary Pathology 33:735-43.

Turke PW. 1996. Nepotism. Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology 3:853-55. New York: Henry Holt.

Miller R, Turke PW et al. 1994. Age-sensitive T cell phenotypes covary in genetically heterogeneous mice and predict early death from lymphoma. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 48:B255-B262.

Betzig LL, Turke PW. 1992. Fatherhood by rank on Ifaluk. In B. Hewlett, ed, The Father’s Role: Cultural and Evolutionary Perspectives. Hawthorne NY: Aldine.

Turke PW. 1991. The evolutionary theory of senescence. AAGE Newsletter, August.

Turke PW. 1991. Comment on Rodseth et al. Current Anthropology 32:248-49.

Turke PW. 1991. Theory and evidence on wealth flows and old age security: A reply to Fricke. Population and Development Review 17:687-702.

Turke PW. 1990. A reply to Glantz. Across Species Comparisons and Psychiatry Newsletter 2:6-7.

Turke PW. 1990. Just do it. Ethology and Sociobiology 11:445-63.

Turke PW. 1990. Which humans behave adaptively, and why does it matter? Ethology and Sociobiology 11:305-39.

Betzig LL, Harrigan A, Turke PW. 1989. Childcare on Ifaluk. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 114.

Turke PW. 1989. Evolution and the demand for children. Population and Development Review, 15:61-89.

Turke PW. 1988. Ovulatory concealment, synchrony, and paternal roles. In E. Filsinger, ed, Biosocial Perspectives on the Family. New York: Sage.

Turke PW. 1988. Helpers at the nest: Childcare networks on Ifaluk. In L Betzig et al, eds, Human Reproductive Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Betzig LL, Borgerhoff Mulder MB, Turke PW. 1988. Human Reproductive Behavior: A Darwinian Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Turke PW. 1986. Darwin didn’t know about genes. American Anthropologist 88:156-57.

Betzig LL, Turke PW. 1986. Food sharing on Ifaluk. Current Anthropology 27:397-400.

Betzig LL, Turke PW. 1986. Parental investment by sex on Ifaluk. Ethology and Sociobiology 7:27-35.

Betzig LL, Turke PW. 1985. Measuring time allocation: Observation and intention. Current Anthropology 26:647-50.

Turke, PW. 1984. On what’s not wrong with a Darwinian theory of culture. American Anthropologist 86:663-68.

Turke PW. 1984. Effects of ovulatory concealment and synchrony on protohominid mating systems and paternal roles. Ethology and Sociobiology 6:79-87.

Turke PW, Betzig LL. 1983. On testing sociobiological theory: A response to Handwerker and Crosbie. American Anthropologist 85:409-10.